Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Members
Members are expected to conduct themselves in ways which display the following:
1. Good standards of behaviour both on and off the green.
2. A sporting approach to team colleagues, opponents, officials and
3. Behaviour befitting good ambassadors for Eltham Bowling Club.
Members must not:
1. Use abusive or threatening behaviour towards others.
2. Harass, bully or abuse other persons, physically or verbally
3. Show any form of discrimination against other persons motivated by gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, occupation, religion or political opinion.
Any member whose conduct is considered to be contrary to the best interests and welfare of the Club, will be requested to attend before the Committee or its Representatives to give an explanation of such conduct. If such a member fails to attend, or if such explanation in the opinion of the Committee be unsatisfactory, the Committee shall have the power to suspend such a member from the Club.
The notice of suspension shall be given in writing.
by order of the Executive Committee
Please note: All members are entitled to use all of the club’s facilities, with the exception of the bar area and green keeping machinery, where Key Holders “only” have access.